Important update
Last July, Sterling Knight joined largest independently-owned international retail insurance broker, Howden.
Since then Howden and Sterling Knight have continued to operate as separate businesses.
From 1 October 2018, the Sterling Knight team will, legally, be part of Howden Insurance Brokers (S) Pte Limited. However, they will continue to operate under the Sterling Knight name, as a division of Howden.
What does it mean to you?
Very little will change; you will continue to be looked after by the same team and you will continue to receive the same high level of service that you have come to expect from Sterling Knight.
You don’t need to do anything right now; in most cases changes won’t take effect until your next renewal, when your Sterling Knight account manager will be in contact to talk you through the changes, which will include:
Your policy being transferred to Howden Insurance Broker (S) Pte Limited
Your payments being made to a different bank account
The below FAQs document provides further information and the Sterling Knight team would be happy to provide further clarification.
New telephone number
From 1 October 2018, Sterling Knight’s main line telephone number will change to +65 6510 3507 and the facsimile number will change to +65 6510 3799. You can still contact the team on their direct line numbers, which will remain unchanged.
What is changing?
Sterling Knight Private Limited will become part of Howden Insurance Brokers (S) Pte Limited.
This is a change of legal entity only; the Sterling Knight team will continue to use the Sterling Knight name, but it will be a division of Howden Insurance Brokers (S) Pte Limited, rather than a separately registered company.
When is it happening?
From 1 October 2018, all Sterling Knight Private Limited clients will become clients of Howden Insurance Brokers (S) Pte Limited.
From 1 October 2018, all new policies and renewals will be under Howden Insurance Brokers (S) Pte Limited.
Existing policies incepted prior to 1 October 2018 will remain under the legal entity Sterling Knight Private Limited until renewal.
Any endorsements added to existing policies from 1 October 2018 will be with Howden Insurance Brokers (S) Pte Limited.
Some clients due to renew soon will have received renewal invitations from Sterling Knight Private Limited. If the risk incepts after 1 October 2018, the transaction will be concluded with Howden Insurance Brokers (S) Pte Limited.
Will I still see the Sterling Knight name and logo?
Yes, you will still see the Sterling Knight name and logo – Sterling Knight will be a trading name, or brand, of Howden Insurance Brokers (S) Pte Limited.
What does it mean to me?
The changes will have minimal impact on the way you work with Sterling Knight. The team will be in contact with you to make you aware of any specific changes. For example, when you make cheque or TT payments from 1 October 2018, you will need to make these payable to a different bank account.
What do I need to do?
You don’t need to do anything now; just wait to hear from the Sterling Knight team as part of their usual communication with you.
Why is this change happening?
Sterling Knight joined Howden in July 2017.
Whilst the two businesses have operated separately since this time, the plan was always to legally integrate the businesses.
We believe that greater integration is in the best interests of clients. It means that Sterling Knight’s clients can benefit from the greater product knowledge, technical capabilities and international reach of Howden, and that Howden’s clients can, equally, benefit from the specialist expertise of Sterling Knight.
You can read more about Sterling Knight joining Howden on the News page.
Who is Howden?
Howden Insurance Brokers (S) Pte Limited is a Singapore-based retail insurance broker, authorised and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, and operating under company registration number 196800039M. It is part of Howden Broking Group, the world’s largest independently-owned international retail insurance broker. It provides a range of specialist insurance solutions to clients around the world and has offices in all continents, except the US.
For more information, please visit
Who can I contact if I have questions?
You can contact the Sterling Knight team using the following details:
Tel: +65 6510 3507
Fax: +65 6510 3799
Write to: 61 Robinson Road, #07-01 Robinson Centre, Singapore 068893
Alternatively, contact your Sterling Knight account handler directly.